Solving the system of Linear Equations

Santosh Raviteja
8 min readJun 7, 2023


Linear equations are formalizations of the relationship between variables. It is also possible to consider more than one linear equation using the same variables: this is a system of equations.

A system of equations is a set of equations describing the relationship between variables. For instance, let’s consider the following example:



We have two linear equations and they both characterize the relationship between the variables x and y. This is a system with two equations and two variables.

We can convert the two equations into a single vector equation as follows:

Also, linear systems of equations can have either:

  • No solution
  • One solution
  • An infinite number of solutions

Lets cover these 3 types of linear systems with NumPy, SciPy and SymPy implementation. The implementation can be done in a few different ways. We’ll also discuss these different ways where necessary. At the end of this article, you’ll be able to solve a linear system (if a unique solution exists) and identify linear systems with no solution or infinitely many solutions with powerful NumPy, SciPy and SymPy libraries.

Have look at the following image which contains a linear system of equations.

There are 3 linear equations in this system. Each equation has the same set of variables called x, y and z. Solving this linear system means that finding values (if exists) for x, y and z that satisfy all the equations.

Matrix representation of a linear system

The above system of linear equations can be represented as a special matrix called the augmented matrix which opens the path to solve linear systems by doing matrix calculations.

The augmented matrix

There are two parts of this augmented matrix:

  • Coefficient matrix — This is a rectangular array which contains only the coefficients of the variables. In our example, this is a 3 x 3 square matrix left of the vertical line in the above picture. The first column contains the coefficients of x for each of the equations, the second column contains the coefficients of y and so on. The number of rows equals the number of equations in the linear system. The number of columns equals the number of different variables in the linear system. In NumPy, this can be represented as a 2-dimensional array. This is often assigned to a variable named with an uppercase letter (such as A or B).

Python representation of this equation-

import numpy as npA = np.array([[2, -3, 1],
[1, -1, 2],
[3, 1, -1]])
  • Augment — This is a column vector right to the vertical line in the above picture. It contains constants of the linear equations. In our example, this is a 3 x 1 column vector. In NumPy, this can be represented as a 1-dimensional array. This is often assigned to a variable named with a lowercase letter (such as b).
import numpy as npb = np.array([-1, -3, 9])

Solving linear systems with a unique solution

Let’s solve the following linear system with NumPy.

To solve this right away, we use the solve() function in the NumPy linalg subpackage.

import numpy as npA = np.array([[2, -3, 1],
[1, -1, 2],
[3, 1, -1]])
b = np.array([-1, -3, 9])
np.linalg.solve(A, b)

The output is:

Wow! The above linear system has a unique solution:

  • x = 2
  • y = 1
  • z = -2

Note: A similar type of implementation can be done with SciPy:

from scipy import linalglinalg.solve(A, b)

How does this work internally?

The direct implementation does not give a clear idea of how this works internally. Let’s derive the matrix equation.

Matrix Equation

Let’s get the same solution using the matrix equation:, b)

To have a solution, the inverse of A should exist and the determinant of A should be non-zero:


Solving linear systems with no solution

When a system of linear equations has no solution, such a system is called an inconsistent system. Let’s see what will happen when we try to solve the following linear system with NumPy:

import numpy as npA = np.array([[1, -1, 4],
[3, 0, 1],
[-1, 1, -4]])b = np.array([-5, 0, 20])np.linalg.solve(A, b)

The output is:

Error message (Image by author)

The error message says that our coefficient matrix (A) is singular. In algebra terms, it is a non-invertible matrix whose determinant is zero. Let’s check it:


The output is:

The determinant is zero. Therefore, our coefficient matrix (A) is singular. Because of that, the above system of linear equations has no solution!

Note: If you implement this with SciPy, a similar type of error message will be returned.

Solving linear systems with infinitely many solutions

When a system of linear equations has infinitely many solutions, such a system is called a dependent system. Let’s see what will happen when we try to solve the following linear system with NumPy:

import numpy as npA = np.array([[-1, 1, 2],
[1, 2, 1],
[-2, -1, 1]])b = np.array([0, 6, -6])np.linalg.solve(A, b)

The output is: Error message

This is the same as the previous case.

Note: If you implement this with SciPy, a similar type of error message will be returned.

Now, there is a question. How can we distinguish between linear systems with no solution and linear systems with infinitely many solutions? There is a method.

We attempt to put the coefficient matrix into the reduced row-echelon form which has 1’s on its diagonal and 0’s everywhere else (identity matrix). If we succeed, the system has a unique solution. If we are unable to put the coefficient matrix into the identity matrix, either there is no solution or infinitely many solutions. In that case, we can distinguish between linear systems with no solution and linear systems with infinitely many solutions by looking at the last row of the reduced matrix.

Getting the reduced row-echelon form

We can use the SymPy Python package to get the reduced row-echelon form. First, we create the augmented matrix and then use the rref() method. Let’s try it out with a linear system with a unique solution:

from sympy import *
augmented_A = Matrix([[2, -3, 1, -1],
[1, -1, 2, -3],
[3, 1, -1, 9]])

We succeeded! We got the reduced row-echelon form. The 4th column is the solution column. The solution is x=2, y=1 and z=-2 which agrees with the previous solution obtained using np.linalg.solve().

Let’s try it with a linear system with no solution:

from sympy import *
augmented_A = Matrix([[1, -1, 4, -5],
[3, 0, 1, 0],
[-1, 1, -4, 20]])

In this time, we did not succeed. We didn’t get the reduced row-echelon form. The 3rd row (equation) of this form is 0=1 which is impossible! Therefore, the linear system has no solution. The linear system is inconsistent.

Finally, we try it with a linear system with infinitely many solutions:

from sympy import *
augmented_A = Matrix([[-1, 1, 2, 0],
[1, 2, 1, 6],
[-2, -1, 1, -6]])

In this time also, we did not succeed. We didn’t get the reduced row-echelon form. The 3rd row (equation) of this form is 0=0 which is always true! This implies the variable z can take any real number and x and y can be:

  • z = any number
  • x-z = 2 (x = 2+z)
  • y+z = 2 (y = 2-z)

By substituting any real number to z, we can get infinitely many solutions! The linear system is dependent.

We’ve done the job. Now, you’re able to solve a linear system (if a unique solution exists) and distinguish between linear systems with no solution and linear systems with infinitely many solutions with powerful NumPy, SciPy and SymPy libraries.

The general implementation is:

First, try np.linalg.solve(). If you get a unique solution, you’ve done the job. If you get an error message (“Singular matrix”), the linear system either have no solution or infintily many solutions. Then, try to get the reduced row-echelon form using SymPy Python package as discussed above. By looking at the last row of the reduced form, you can decide the things!

Also, note the following points too.

  • The above-discussed methods can only be applied to linear systems. In other words, all the equations in the system should be linear.
  • If a linear system has fewer equations than variables, the system must be dependent or inconsistent. It will never have a unique solution.
  • Linear systems with more equations than variables may have no solution, unique solution or infinitely many solutions.



Santosh Raviteja
Santosh Raviteja

Written by Santosh Raviteja

Data evangelist, CSM, The views expressed here are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of any organization. Favorite quote: This too shall pass away

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